Wednesday 16 December 2015

Single at Christmas....So what!

What are your plans for Christmas? 

Christmas is here and still single? No sexy hunk to take to Christmas  dinner and sit around the table with your perfectly perfect siblings and their perfect children?  Join the club you ain’t the only one.

Earlier in the year I tried so hard not to think about whether or not I would be in a relationship my this time, I hoped there would atleast be a hunk around to exchange Christmas presents with. And now we’re only a few days out not even Santa can make this happen.
And i'm not even down about this, to be honest I used to love Christmas as a kid and just because I don’t have my own family to do the whole big Christmas with doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it.

Christmas tree

This year I decided being single wasn't going to hold me back and take away my festive cheer. I went and bought myself a 7ft white Christmas tree, 100 lights and beautiful purple and silver baubles, cant decide if i've got enough though, you tell me.                                                                                                                                                    
 Oh yeah I even decided to take part in Christmas jumper day which I don't think I have ever bothered with. By the way, the Christmas jumper bit is a big deal because I haven’t had once since I was in primary school. And I am super excited to wear it this Friday. In fact here's the embarrassing pic of when I first tried it on and sent a picture to my friend. The excitement is real!!

Christmas jumper day

And I’m loving it, I’m loving sitting in the living room at night with my christmas lights on watching crap on TV before bed, not so excited about the presents I still need to wrap, because as embarrassing as it is to admit I even stopped buying Christmas presents I just didn’t see the point I turned more into scrooges daughter.

Weirdly enough my family that would usually do a last minute call at Christmas to see if I was around to go vistit my dad have actually made the effort to plan ahead this year, so where I planned to get my drink on has now turned into a feast  at my dad’s followed by one or two visits from friends then hopefully I’ll have time with my baileys and courvoiser! As much as I appreciate the effort they made this year I kind of was excited about having a single Christmas with a few friends popping by. But i'm going to embrace very part of Christmas this year! 


Maybe your single and your Christmas  is looking more eventful than mine if it is that’s great! If not try and get into the Christmas spirit it’s not too late to pick up a Christmas tree, throw a bit of tinsel around the place and obviously crack open a bottle or two, but just don’t be one of those who drink and get depressed. Eat drink and be merry!!! It’s Christmas after all!

What are your plans for Christmas don't be shy to share in the comments! 

A new year is approaching who knows we both may find our Mr right!
Peace out! @SLGG8


  1. I'm planning on redecorating my whole house as part of the season!! Thats gonna make my Christmas for sure =] x

  2. That's really nice entering the new year within a fresh new environment, good luck with it all! X
