Sunday 31 January 2016

6 ways to manage your weekend!

Hey there. To try and make my week especially my weekend more productive I looked at some various things I could do differently. If you missed my post last week on what I would call my moan on not having enough time over the weekend you can find it here

So this week I evaluated how I spend my time and looked at areas which I named time wasted. And what I could do to make the most out of my weekends.

1. The first thing which I probably already knew I needed to do was cut down on my Netflix time, as I can spend hours going from one episode to the next. I suggest you look at how much time you spend on Netflix or even just watching TV in general, and minimise it especially if you know there are things you need to get done. Let’s face it Netflix isn’t going anywhere, but your time is.

2. Set yourself daily tasks, but don’t over do it, just a few simple tasks each day, be clear about the tasks you set yourself.

3. Invest in a diary, I bought one the other day. I usually use my phone but with all the things I seem to have going on, going back to old school pen and paper makes things a whole lot clearer for me. I’m not going to lie I was really excited about using my pretty pink diary for the first time and probably wrote a few useless things in there just for the sake of it!

4. STICK to it!! This is the bit I find hardest to do, I either add things onto my list on the day and end up ignoring what I actually planned to do or I only do half the things on my list.

5. Schedule some “me time”. This may sound so silly but when you have a busy schedule you tend to have 100 things going around in your head all at once, and I don’t know about you but this just makes me have what I call a mini break down and I just shut down and spend all day in bed. So having some time to just chill and gather your thoughts can help with this. And help prioritise what needs to go in your to do list!

6. On the weekends have a cut of point to your lie in, and if you have things to do outside that doesn’t involve meeting up with a friend set yourself a time limit as to when you want to leave. Because to be honest that is probably the only reason I would have to leave the house at a specific time on the weekend. If I had it my way I would be out and and about trying to get things done at 7pm on a Sunday evening, as this seems to be the time I come alive.

I'll  let you know how this is working out for me. How do you manage your time? Any tips you care to share?

Peace out SLGG!

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