Monday 9 November 2015

10 Single girl problems!

So many people coupled up love to go on about how lucky us single girls are, how we don’t have to come home from work and cook a meal for our man, or take care of the kids after a long day at work. And tbh I don’t know about you but this officially bores me. Let me not get started on valentines day all the single ladies crawl back under your stone. It’s as if it’s a sin to be single on that day. Kmt who does society really think they are?

Here’s top 10 bugaboo’s of single life!

* Your so lucky your single
Am I? Am I really? just because I’m not dating and you call that lucky? Please get out my face! So your life is way more busier than mine, so your exhausted most of the time, oh well you knew what you was signing up for get over it.

* Meal for 1, 2 or the army
I don’t know whether this is because of my heritage or what but I have a serious problem  of not being able to cook a meal for just one person, it’s either I cook so much as if to say I have a household full of people or I make next to nothing. I just can’t master this. And if I’m being honest those are the few times I’m bothered to cook, half the time I’m like what’s the point in cooking a sexy meal all for me. Long!

* Sweet dreams
Is it just me or are there some nights, you wouldn’t mind a cuddle, that person to say don’t worry I got you. Even the strongest woman likes to hear this every once in a while.

* Booking hotels
So when I put in a search for hotels I tend to put 1 person because  clearly I’m going alone, but does that mean I want to sleep in a single bed, I’ve never had a single bed in all my life, my mum didn’t see the point in getting one for her weirdly tall child.  So why would I want to squeeze  myself in one while away? Er nah...

* Doing things alone
As a really independent person I tend to do things alone instead of checking people of my phone, married now, just had a baby, has more of a social  life than me. I don’t take the word no easily so rather than hear it I’ll do it alone, and oh my goodness the headache that comes with it. “why did you go alone”, “you no you have friends, you can always ask me to come with you”, and trust me I appreciate  them I do but sometimes I got to do things by myself, I can’t rely on my friends to take every step with me.

I have no clue about DIY stuff, my living room walls are still so bare after having my flat for years. Yes I could have probably asked someone to drill a few holes for me but prides a bitch. Lol. Let’s not even talk about my light bulb in my bathroom which has been out for some time now and the council refuse to fix, I’m not being funny but I didn’t ask them to fix such lighting in there. Anyway deep breaths. I’m not going to lie in these situations  it would be fab to have a man in the house to handle these things.

* I'm sick!!!!!
Whenever I have a period, or a migraine it’s as if my life is over I literally  can’t move. And the worse part of this is knowing your actually alone  in your home and if your hungry your going to have to find the strength to get out of bed and sort yourself out. And these are the times the green eyed monster comes out and I think how  lucky these coupled up people are. I had the luxury once of having a guy make me a cup of tea while I got ready for work and seriously it took like 5 minutes of my routine, I was well excited. It’s the simple things with me!

* Coming home and being like.....oh yeah
There’s some days I get in from work or just out in general and I’m like oh yeah I don’t actually  have that poor guy to have a rant to about my day, so I go to the next best thing an old work colleague who’s turned out to be a really good friend,  but boy do I feel sorry for her having to put up with me.

* When you go on lunch and see you have zero messages
Oh my gosh I love my friends truly I do, but when I go on break and there’s no message from a special Mr I’m just like why am I even on break. Of course of late there is no special Mr and I’m actually  enjoying my breaks not spending it what’s Appin some guy asking if he’s having a good day, when what I really want to know from him is can he handle a strong woman and is he ready to commit!

* Bills bills bills
I’m sorry but I can’t be the only one who thinks how much more shoes, bags and nail appointments I could make each month if there was an actual real life living man in my home. This can make me feel some type of way on some pay months. I’m like ok so maybe I’ll  hold of on the uggs and hunters this month then.

But you know what this is my life and I love  it, all the ups and downs just makes me that much stronger. I can can go and do whatever I want without the stress of worrying what to do with my handbag, as some of my friends jokingly call their  kids. And I can order Chinese every night without worrying about teaching my kids bad eating habits! Woop, woop once again single life wins!
However I think I'll be enrolling in a DIY class pretty soon.

Follow me on instagram man! Singlelondongirlsguide

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