Thursday 12 November 2015

Mid, mid life crisis!

So apparently you have a mid life crisis in your 40s,  well I can officially say I just had one, or maybe it was a panic attack I’m not entirely sure! Although I have been told it was a quarter life crisis, either way I came so close to changing careers and getting myself into 20 grand worth of debt!
I’m not exactly old that is unless your 16 then yeah I am. I can’t be the only single 27 year old who’s stopped to question where their life is going,  what the next steps are and will there ever be a man in my life some point in the distant future. 


Well the night I was writing this I had all these thoughts and then some. Am I in the right career? maybe I should of pushed harder after uni to go into what I studied. What if I had done that where would I be right now?  Oooohhhh so many questions and guess what I don’t know the answer and I never will.                                                                                           I literally  just need to focus on the here and now!  Work hard to reach my career goals in what I realised is the career that I love and have been doing for the past four years. But of course play harder. Hehe! 

And the same goes for you, when those horrible thoughts come to attack you, kick them out straight away, maybe you need to sit down and work out a plan for the next year or so, set some goals give yourself a time frame to reach these goals and like me you won't be heading for that dusty vodka bottle!
Im glad to say my mid, mid life crisis was put on hold for another 10 years. Panic was averted, depression avoided, and bottle of vodka grudgingly placed back in the cupboard.

Instagram; Singlelondongirlsguide follow a chick!
Ps, don't forget to share!

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